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- Les riches méritent-ils d’être riches ?
- Live
- Twitch Live
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- On Abolition: A Symposium
- Webniar, Internet
Webinar Virtual
Webniar, Internet - Note
"On Abolition," a 2-day symposium co-sponsored by the Department of Romance Studies, the Franklin Humanities Institute, and the Office of Global Affairs.
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- Date
- #JusticePourNahel : Comment expliquer les émeutes?
- Live
- Twitch Live
- Note
Live Twitch avec Histoires Crépues. Le REPLAY sera disponible sur la chaîne Youtube de Histoires Crépues !
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- Date
- Fugitive Cinematic Form
- Seattle, WA, USA
UW Seattle - Seattle, WA UW Seattle - Seattle, WA
Seattle, WA 98195
USA - Plus
- Date
- Black Feminisms Revamped and Revived
- Baltimore, MD, USA
Hilton, Floor: 3rd Floor, Hopkins Abstract Hilton, Floor: 3rd Floor, Hopkins Abstract 401 W. Pratt Street
Baltimore, MD 21201
USA - Note
Occupying the Border: Afro-feminist Quietness as a Response to the Problem-Space
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- Date
- The Haitian Women's Collective Conference
- Brooklyn, NY, USA
Downtown Brooklyn 235 Duffield Street, Downtown Brooklyn
Brooklyn, NY 11201
USA - Note
We believe in the strength of women and their collective power. The purpose is to celebrate you, share thoughts/ideas, using this as an opportunity to network, and inform the continued work of the Haitian Women’s Collective.
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- Date
- Journée d'étude Rapports de race, espaces et résistances
- Université Paris-EST, France
Université Paris-EST 61 avenue du Général de Gaulle 94010 Créteil Cedex France
France - Plus