Hello 2023 avec
bell hooks
pour parler de cinéma, et du regard contestataires [ oppositonal gaze] des femmes Noires face aux représentations à l’écran. Un concept développé en 92 dans l’essai The Oppositional Gaze: Black Female Spectators, qu’on retrouve dans le livre Reel to Real. Race, class and sex at the movies paru en 1996
“Spaces of agency exist for black people, wherein we can both interrogate the gaze of the Other but also look back, and at one another naming what we see. The ‘gaze’ has been and is a site of resistance for colonized black people globally. Subordinates in relation of power learn experientially that there is a critical gaze, one that ‘looks’ to document, one that is oppositional. In resistance struggle, the power of the dominated to assert agency by claiming and cultivating ‘awareness’ politicizes ‘looking’ relations-one learns to look a certain way in order to resist.” bell hooks
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