Corine Bond/Alaso 1
Corine Bond/Alaso 1

BLST 33300-M(35032)
Women in the African Diaspora

Instructor: Fania Noel 

`Fall 2022

The City College of New York
Black Studies Program

Course Description

Women in the African Diaspora investigates the political, social, and economic experiences and conditions of Black women in the context of diaspora. This course will use global Black Feminist and Africana theories, methodologies, and scholarship to comprehend migration, the global racial and sexual division of labor, the racialization of gender but also its invention and its normalization/generalization through slavery and [neo]colonialism. This course understands the term “diaspora” both as the historical diaspora – Afro-descendants whose ancestry lies in  enslaved Black African people dispersed through North Africa, Europe, and the Americas; and the geographical diaspora – the groups circulating through forced or chosen migration from Africa all over the world. 

“We cannot, without running the risk of breaking the pan-African momentum, separate Africa from its diasporas: without Africa, the African diasporas have no identity; without the diasporas, Africa would lose sight of both the scale of its past and current contribution to our world and the global scope of its responsibilities” (M’Bokolo 2003; 6).

[Week 1: August 25] Introduction 

  • Hartman, Saidiya. “Venus in two acts.” Small Axe: A Caribbean Journal of Criticism 12.2 (2008): 1-14
  •  Palmer, Colin (2000) The African Diaspora, The Black Scholar, 30:3-4, 56-59

[Week 2: August 30 / September 1st] Gender and its Discontents

  • Oyěwùmí, Oyèrónkẹ́. The invention of women: Making an African sense of western gender discourses. U of Minnesota Press, 1997. pp. 1-30,
  • Snorton, C. Riley. Black on both sides: A racial history of trans identity. U of Minnesota Press, 2017. Chapter 1: “Anatomically speaking; Ungendered flesh and the science of sex.” in pp 17-53


  • Butler, J. 2011, “Gender is Burning,” in Bodies That Matter: On the Discursive Limits of Sex (New York: Routledge), pp. 81-99

[Week 3: September 6 & 8 ] A Feminist Grammar 

  • Collective, Combahee River. “The Combahee river collective statement.” Home girls: A Black feminist anthology 1 (1983): 264-274
  • Verna, Chantalle F., and Paulette Poujol Oriol. “The Ligue Feminine d’Action Sociale: An Interview with Paulette Poujol Oriol.” Journal of Haitian Studies, vol. 17, no. 1, 2011, pp. 246–57. 
  • Sharpley-Whiting, T. Denean. “Erasures and the practice of diaspora feminism.” Small Axe 9.1 (2005): 129-133.


  • Tamale, Sylvia. Decolonization and Afro-feminism. Daraja Press, 2020. The chapter  “Pan-Africanism in African Feminism” pp 369-377
  • Morrison, Toni. “What the black woman thinks about women’s lib.” New York (1971).

 [Week 4: September 13 & 15] What a Body can do? : slavery, body and flesh

  • Spillers, Hortense J. “Mama’s baby, papa’s maybe: An American grammar book.” The Transgender Studies Reader Remix. Routledge, 1987. 93-104
  • Prince, Mary. “The History of Mary Prince, A West Indian Slave.” Black Writers. Routledge, 2020. 345-364.
  • Shaw, Andrea Elizabeth. The embodiment of disobedience: Fat black women’s unruly political bodies. Lexington Books, 2006.


  • Fuentes, Marisa J. “Agatha: White Women, Slave Owners, and the Dialectic of Racialized Gender.” Dispossessed Lives. University of Pennsylvania Press, 2016. 70-99

[Week 5: Sept. 20 & 22] “Freed from slavery and free of resources”: the Plantation’s Afterlife 

  • Hartman, Saidiya, and F. Wilderson. “The terrible beauty of the slum.” Brick: A Literary Journal 99 (2017): 39-44
  • Hernández Reyes, Castriela Esther. “Black women’s struggles against extractivism, land dispossession, and marginalization in Colombia.” Latin American Perspectives 46.2 (2019): 217-234.
  • Forbes, Curdella. “Between plot and plantation, trespass and transgression: Caribbean migratory disobedience in fiction and internet traffic.” Small Axe: A Caribbean Journal of Criticism 16.2 (2012): 23-42


  • Cordis, Shanya. “Forging relational difference: Racial, gendered violence and dispossession in Guyana.” Small Axe: A Caribbean Journal of Criticism 23.3 (2019): 18-33.

[Week 6/7: Sept. 27 & Oct. 6 ] Don’t Agonize, Organize: Community and Organization 

  • Video: Migrant Workers in Lebanon Are Trapped in a Racist System /
  • Davies, Carole Boyce. “Carnival and Diaspora: Caribbean Community, Happiness, and Activism.” Left of Karl Marx: The Political Life of Black Communist Claudia Jones. Duke University Press, 2008.
  • Brunson, Takkara K. “A Heroic and Revolutionary Undertaking”: African-Descended Women of the Communist Movement”. Black Women, Citizenship, and the Making of Modern Cuba. University Press of Florida, 2021


  • Larcher, Silyane. “The End of Silence: On the Revival of Afrofeminism in Contemporary France.” Black French Women and the Struggle for Equality (1848-2016), Lincoln/Londres, Presses universitaires du Nebraska (2018): 102-126

[Week 8: October 11 & 13] Black Women Black and State Violence 

  • Kia Lilly Caldwell (2020) “#MariellePresente: Black Feminism, Political Power, and Violence in Brazil”, Souls, 22:2-4, 213-238,
  • Maynard, Robyn. “Misogynoir in Canada: Punitive state practices and the devaluation of Black women and gender-oppressed people.” Policing Black lives: State violence in Canada from slavery to the present. Fernwood Publishing, 2017


  • Shakur, Assata.  Assata: The Autobiography of a Revolutionary. Chicago, Illinois: Lawrence Hill (2001). Chapter 1 & 2 

[Week 9: Oct. 18 & 20] The Border: Labor, Migration, and Racial Capitalism 

  • Film: Black Girl by Ousmane Sembène
  • What Did Cedric Robinson Mean by Racial Capitalism? By Robin D. G. Kelley
  • “Black Women and Domestic Work: the Early Years.” Andall, J. (2000). Gender, Migration and Domestic Service: The Politics of Black Women in Italy (1st ed.). Routledge.
  • Mlambo, Victor H., and Sphephelo Zubane. “No rights, No Freedom: The Kafala system and the plight of African migrants in the Middle East.” ADRRI Journal of Arts and Social Sciences 18.1 (6), April, 2021-June (2021): 1-16.


  • Stephen J. King (2021) Black Arabs and African migrants: between slavery and racism in North Africa, The Journal of North African Studies, 26:1, 8-50
  • Rose Myrlie Joseph. “Tying the Apron.” , Alaso #1 Rezistans, : 20-27

[Week 10: Oct. 25 & 27] Ho Theory: Controlling Images and Black Women’s Agentivity 

  • Lomax, Tamura. “Black Venus and Jezebel sluts: Writing Race, Sex and Gender”  Jezebel unhinged: Loosing the Black female body in religion and culture. Duke University Press, 2018. pp. 13-33
  • King, Rosamond S. “This Is You”: “Invisibility,” Community, and Women Who Desire Women” Island bodies: Transgressive sexualities in the Caribbean imagination. University Press of Florida, 2014


  • Magunbane, Zine. “Which Bodies Matter?: Feminism, Poststructuralism, Race, and the Curious Theoretical Odyssey of the ‘Hottentot Venus.’” Gender & Society, vol. 15, no. 6, Dec. 2001, pp. 816–834

[Week 11: Nov. 1 & 3] Family Affair: Motherhood and Sisterhood 

  • Movie: Daughters of the Dust by Julie Dash (1991 )
  • Hill Collins, Patricia. “Black women and motherhood.” Living with Contradictions: Controversies in Feminist Social Ethics. Routledge, 2000. 450-461
  • dos Santos SB. “Controlling black women’s reproductive health rights: An impetus to black women’s collective organizing in Brazil”. Cultural Dynamics. 2012;24(1):13-30.
  • Bambara, Toni Cade. “On the Issue of Roles”. The black woman: An anthology. New American Library, 1970.


[Week 12: Nov. 8 & 10 ] The Beautiful Side of the Beast: Desire and the politics of Desire 

  • Da’Shaun, L. Harrison. “Pretty Ugly: The Politics of Desire.” Belly of the beast: The politics of anti-fatness as anti-blackness. North Atlantic Books, 2021, pp. 11-32
  • Williams, Bianca C. “Breaking (It) Down: Gender, Emotional Entanglements, and the Realities of Romance Tourism.” The Pursuit of Happiness. Black Women, Diasporic Dreams, and the Politics of Emotional Transnationalism. Duke University Press, 2018. pp. 123-158
  • Chancy, Myriam J. A. “Subversive Sexualities: Revolutionizing Gendered Identities.” Frontiers: A Journal of Women Studies, vol. 29, no. 1, 2008, pp. 51–75. JSTOR,
  • Philyaw, Deesha. “Eula” The Secret Lives of Church Ladies. Pushkin Press, 2022. pp.1-11


  • Johnson, Jessica Marie. “Black Femme: Acts, Archives, and Archipelagos of Freedom“ Wicked flesh: black women, intimacy, and freedom in the Atlantic world. University of Pennsylvania Press, 2020. Pp.153-186

 [Week 13: Nov. 15 & 17 ] Crafting Stories, Building Narratives 

  • Film: Sambizanga by Sarah Maldoror 
  • Oloukoi, Chrystel. “A Chorus for the Revolution: On Sarah Maldoror’s Radiant Call of Resistance.”Metrograph,
  • hooks, bell. “The oppositional gaze: Black female spectators.” Black American Cinema. Routledge, 2012. 288-302

Suggested :

  • Steele, Catherine Knight. “Black bloggers and their varied publics: The everyday politics of black discourse online.” Television & New Media 19.2 (2018): 112-127
  • Wynter, Sylvia. “Novel and history, plot and plantation.” Savacou 5.1 (1971): 95-102.

[Week 14: November 22 ] Crossing the Border: Internationalism and Solidarity

  • Florvil, Tiffany N. “Transnational feminist solidarity, Black German women and the politics of belonging.” Gendering Knowledge in Africa and the African Diaspora. Routledge, 2017. 87-110.
  • Williams, Elizabeth. “The West Indian and African Roots of the Anti-Apartheid Movement in Britain.” The Politics of Race in Britain and South Africa: Black British Solidarity and the Anti-Apartheid Struggle. Bloomsbury Publishing, 2015
  • Wyddiane Prophète. “Suzanne Comhair-Sylvain, a woman, an extraordinary avant-gardiste scientist”. Alaso #2  Frontyè, : 62-69

Suggested : 

  • Sudbury, Julia. “Rethinking global justice: Black women resist the transnational prison-industrial complex.” Souls 10.4 (2008): 344-360.

[Week 15: Nov. 29 & Dec 1st] AntiBlackness and the end of the World: Afropessimism

  • Episode: Black Mirror S04e6: Black Museum – Netflix 
  • Wilderson III, Frank B. Afropessimism. Liveright Publishing, 2020. pp.1-18
  • Browne, Simone. “Branding Blackness. Biometric Technology and the Surveillance of Blaéckness” Dark matters: On the surveillance of blackness. Duke University Press, 2015. pp.89-130


  • Fanon, Frantz. Black skin, white masks. Grove press, 2008.chapter 1 

 [Week 16: Dec. 6 & 8]  The Day after Tomorrow: Futures 


Wynter, Sylvia. “The ceremony must be found: After humanism.” Boundary 2 (1984): 19-70

 [Week 17: December 13 ] Conclusion

Bon retour de vacances, ou bonnes dernières semaines pour les aoûtiens. Comme on arrive à la fin de la saison des injonctions au “summer body”, ce mois-ci au programme deux concepts tirés du livre de Da’Shaun L. Harrison, paru 2021 aux éditions North Atlantic Books, qui fait le lien entre la négrophobie et la grossophobie:

Da’Shaun L. Harrison
Belly of the Beast. The Politics of Anti-fatness as Anti-Blackness

Vous pouvez lire par ici.

Si vous n’êtes pas encore abonné.e, c’est le moment. Par ici

C’est l’été, ou du moins la saison de la canicule. Nous avons chaque jour un rappel qu’il est plus que temps d’en finir avec le capitalisme. Ce mois-ci je vous parle de deux concepts tirés d’un livre paru en 2015 aux éditions University of Illinois Press:

Rashad Shabazz
Spatializing Blackness: Architectures of Confinement and Black Masculinity in Chicago

Vous pouvez lire par ici.

Si vous n’êtes pas encore abonné.e, c’est le moment. Par ici

En ce mois des fiertés et de l’envoi de NUPES généralisé, au programme un livre paru en 2017 aux éditions University of Minnesota Press:


Pour cette newsletter et les suivantes, je choisis de traduire Blackness par fait-Noir et Transness par fait-Trans. Lire par ici.

Si vous n’êtes pas encore abonné.e, c’est le moment. Par ici

C’est enfin le printemps, et pour moi la dernière ligne droite du semestre. Ce mois-ci les deux concepts sont tirés d’un livre paru en 2019 aux éditions UNC Press Books

Brandi Thompson Summers
Black in Place. The Spatial Aesthetics of Race in a Post- Chocolate City

Pour cette newsletter est les suivantes, je choisis de traduire Blackness par fait-Noir. Lire par ici.

Si vous n’êtes pas encore abonné.e c’est le moment. Par ici

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Clap de fin pour Nwar Atlantic ! Au programme de ce tout dernier numéro du podcast, les féminismes sénégalais sont à l’honneur. “Laissez les femmes sénégalaises tranquilles”, c’était le theme d’un space twitter la semaine passé, mais le theme n’est pas nouveau. Les féministes sénégalaises sont sur le pied de guerre au Senegal mais aussi dans la diaspora. On connait l’oeuvre de Mariama Bâ, Fatou Sow ou Fatou Kine Camara, mais les luttes contemporaine des féministes sénégalaise sont pris en étau entre lutte du dedans et lutte du dehors. Aujourd’hui je reçois la sociologue et féministe sénégalaise Laïty Fary depuis Dakar.

Impliquée dans plusieurs groupes, Laïty Fary est membre fondatrice du collectif Jàma, qui a lancé #DeetDuWaaw #SiifNaDakk, une campagne de sensibilisation et d’identification des stratégies communautaires de lutte contre les violences sexuelles au Sénégal. Depuis avril 2021, elle est la responsable dun projet piloté par le laboratoire d’analyse des sociétés et pouvoirs/Afrique-Diasporas (LASPAD) de l’université Gaston Berger de Saint-Louis centré sur l’accueil des adolescentes victimes de violences sexistes et la prise en charge de leur santé sexuelle et reproductive ainsi que des droits connexe. Laity a un pied aussi au Canada, elle est impliqué dans le centre Simone de Beauvoir de l’Université Concordia et co-fondatrice de Kêr Nomade un collectif de féministes Noires de Montreal centré sur la santé mentale. Laïty Fary enseigne des cours sur les mouvements féministes et mouvements anti-coloniaux à l’Université Saint Paul. Et prévoit bientôt un cours genre et cinema à Dakar.

Cet épisode est dédié à bell hooks, dont l’oeuvre a assuré nos pas, lorsqu’ils étaient difficiles à faire.

Lire et et relire ( ou ré-écouter) doivent être au coeur des conversations sur l’accessibilité de la pensée critique, théorique et idéologique. Et c’est pour cela que l’un des enjeux des luttes c’est arracher du temps pour se former, découvrir et revasser. En effet, il n’est pas possible de construire une pensée complexe et critique en faisant l’économie de l’apprentissage afin de se former à confronter ses idées, accords et dessacords. C’est en faisant cet apprentissage que l’on parvient à faire la distinction entre une oeuvre importante mais difficile à appréhender, et une oeuvre qui cache sa banalité derrière des formulations ardues.

Cet épisode est découpé en deux parties et dans la seconde partie Elsa Rakoto, Maboula Soumahoro, Amzat Boukari-Yabara, Elom 20ce, Serge Bayala, Gessica Généus et Pamela Ohene-Nyako nous disent pour quoi elles/ils lisent et nous offre quelques recommandations de la lecture.

Jingle: nickylars beats
Chargée de production : Mukashyaka Nsengimana

Back to school, to mark the occasion, today’s topic is guerilla intellectualism or as I often saying doing/holding a PhD  is not activism. Exceptionalism is not a political project, nor the fact of diversifying prestigious institutions. What does it mean to be a scholarly activist?  Does academia stand in solidarity with revolutions or social change? To try to answer, in this episode we will use a compass, that of the activist, historian, and Guyanese politician Walter Rodney. A compass that always shows the direction of the revolution, using one of its concepts: guerilla intellectualism.

Rebecca A. Wilcox is a PhD student at Princeton Theological Seminary concentrating in Religion and Society. Her research uses analytics of spectral theory, antiBlackness, and Black feminism to explore the hauntings of Black, radical, epistemologies honed out of underground economies. Wilcox is from the Bronx, New York where she was raised by her mother and five siblings. She is a proud HBCU alumna of Clark Atlanta University.

🎵Jingle : @nickylarsbeats
Chargée de production : muka.shine
Interprétation vers le français : Patricia 
Interprétation vers l’anglais : Jo